Spring 2021 Tactics Data Report
Since the creation of the Memphis Youth Chess Organization, our students have progressed

Spring 2021 Tournament Results
Almost 10 months ago, Memphis Youth Chess Organization hosted its first lesson. We started off

Queen Sacrifice
Sacrificing a piece is something that must be carefully calculated and executed, and a queen sacrifice is no

When your pawn reaches the 7th rank, it feels almost instinctive to promote it to a queen; the queen is the most

Backward Pawn
If you’ve been playing chess for a while, you may have come across the term “backward pawn.” A backward

Knight Outposts
How often, when playing chess, have you been infuriated by an opponent’s piece that just prevents you from

Overloading is something that can be exploited by either you or your opponent. So what is

The Philidor Position
In the last blogpost, we visited The Lucena Position which is a way to force a draw when the king is blocking

The Lucena Position
If you’ve been playing chess for a while, there’s a good chance that you’ve encountered The Lucena Position

Pawn Storms
We all know the importance of castling. It provides a very easy way of developing the rooks while also sheltering

Bishops vs Knights: When to Use Which
As we know from our point value system, knights and bishops are each worth three points. You may be

The Importance of Piece Activity and King Safety
For many players, how many points they have determines if they’re winning or not in a chess game. As we saw

The King’s Gambit
The King’s Gambit is a very aggressive opening in chess that uses some unorthodox moves to challenge control of

Pawn Islands
What are pawn islands, why do we need to study them, and when is it useful may all be questions that you

Evaluating a Position
Oftentimes, we find ourselves in a position where we can’t discern who is better in a position. One of the best ways

Middle Game Ideas
The middle game is notorious for being the part of the game that can decide whether you win or not. If you keep